Narrative Medicine Monday: Introduction to Asthma

Poet Susan Eisenberg gives an “Introduction to Asthma” for the parent and practitioner. Her son suffers an acute asthma exacerbation, the “Cacophony rising in his lungs, / oxygen level falling”. Eisenberg lets us know that her young son “believes / he will die” but also exposes the reality that “Anyone who wants to kill me he says / would have to kill my Mom / first.” She will follow her son anywhere, even Heaven or Hell. The reader’s own breath catches on this truth, as Eisenberg hugs “his eyes in mine / and breathe for both our lives.”

Writing Prompt: Try reading Eisenberg’s poem out loud. What do you notice about her choice of words, line breaks and white space? Think of a time you or a child or friend or patient experienced an acute and sudden medical emergency, such as an asthma exacerbation. Describe what you hear, what you see. Write for 10 minutes.

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