Narrative Medicine Monday: Preparation

Abigail Lin’s poem “Preparation” in the Journal of the American Medical Association begins with a heartbeat as the focus of a medical student’s studies. She notes “we studied valves as if they were pipes: / what makes them rust, or clog.” There’s a note of bravado as the student starts their journey in medicine: they “marveled… as if we had built it ourselves.”

The humility comes later, realizing the fallacy in believing that “we could learn the architecture of grief / simply by examining blueprints.”

I remember marveling at the intricacies of design in my college introductory biology courses. I had in mind that I wanted to be a physician, but one of my most surprising revelations was learning about botany. I was amazed by the specificity of design in plants, the complex workings of how they grow, receive nourishment from the sun, from the rain; how they give back to the earth.

Lin’s poem is a caution to new medical providers. Much of our learning is in the machinery of the patient, the inner workings of the body. So much more is involved in treating the patient, not merely the disease.

Writing Prompt: If you are a medical provider, recall when you first started studying medicine. Were you naive, as Lin’s poem asserts? Is there something you’ve studied that you’ve marveled at? Did you learn a more nuanced appreciation as you progressed in your career? Recall an instance that contributed to that maturity. Write for 10 minutes.

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