My Kind of People

I’m currently in Boston at Harvard’s Writing, Publishing, and Social Media for Healthcare Professionals conference. I’ve learned so much from the speakers, agents and editors here but one of the biggest benefits has been the networking opportunities. I’m part of an online group for physician writer mothers (totally my people, I know!) and though I’ve interacted with many of them virtually, it’s been a true pleasure to get to know them in person. What an amazing group of creative women doing incredible work in medicine and writing.

As with so many conferences I’ve attended, I’m inspired to write more, submit more, fine tune my book proposal and my pitch. Most of all, I’m encouraged to finish my books-in-progress. Writing and publishing a book is a marathon endeavor. I am not a creature of patience or a natural extrovert, but this process is teaching me endurance, humility and boldness. If you’re in healthcare and a writer I highly recommend this annual conference for tips, tools and inspiration.

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