Narrative Medicine Monday: Perchance to Think

A couple of years ago I was driving to work when I pulled up behind a car that had a red bumper sticker with white block lettering: “THINKING IS WORK.” When I arrived at my desk that day I wrote this statement on a Post-it note in my barely legible handwriting and moved on with my busy primary care clinic day.

Since then, I’ve had little time to ponder this idea, but it’s always been there, in the back of my mind, the Post-it still pinned to my desk bulletin board. We live in an accelerated world, saturated with information at our disposal. Though I’ve noticed, in my life and in medicine, there is less and less time to access this information, to research, or just think.

Dr. Danielle Ofri’s latest piece in the New England Journal of Medicine highlights this issue. In “Perchance to Think” Ofri outlines a common problem among primary care (and I’m sure all speciality) practices – there isn’t time allotted to actually think about a case. Ofri gives the example of a patient with slightly abnormal lab tests ordered by another physician. As the primary provider, Ofri is then tasked with sorting out whether this patient has adrenal insufficiency or rheumatoid arthritis while also addressing his six known chronic conditions. Ofri notes that, for primary care physicians, “adrenal insufficiency resides in the wobbliest, farthest-flung cortical gurus I possess.” Ofri quickly realized, as her “patient stacked his 15 medications on my desk – all of which needed refills, and all of which could interfere with adrenal function” that what she really needed to give this patient the best care possible was “time to think.”

In medical school we have time to study, to think deeply as we learn the intricacies of the human body and how to treat illness when things go wrong.

Once out in practice, though, there isn’t the luxury of that time to ponder. More and more demands are put on the physician, be it “last week’s labs to review, student notes to correct, patient calls to return, meds to renew, forms and papers spilling out of my mailbox.” Ofri eventually gives up, gives in to the time constraints of the system, and refers the patient to endocrinology to sort out the adrenal insufficiency issue.

As a primary care physician myself, this is an all too familiar dilemma. Ofri recognizes that this situation is untenable to all involved: the patient, the primary care provider, and the specialist. “In the pressurized world of contemporary outpatient medicine, there is simply no time to think. With every patient, we race to cover the bare minimum, sprinting in subsistence-level intellectual mode because that’s all that’s sustainable.”

Ofri eventually takes the time to listen to a podcast on adrenal insufficiency, addend her note and contact the patient with a more cogent plan until he’s able to see endocrinology. But this was time that isn’t usually allotted or even available in a normal physician’s busy life: “many of our patients’ conditions require — time to think, consider, revisit, reanalyze.”

Ofri laments there’s no way to code for contemplation, but asserts that giving physicians the time to think could improve efficiency. “We would save money by reducing unnecessary tests and cop-out referrals. We’d make fewer diagnostic errors and avert harms from overtesting. And allowing doctors to practice medicine at the upper end of our professional standard would make a substantial dent in the demoralization of physicians today.”

Here’s to considering a more wholistic way of practicing medicine, one that includes the intellectual rigor that attracted most physicians to medicine in the first place. After all, thinking is work.

Writing Prompt: Do you think giving physicians time to think would make a difference in efficiency? Have you experienced a case similar to Ofri’s, where if you had a little more time to research, you could manage the case yourself? As a patient, do you notice the time pressures on your physician? Describe what it’s like to experience this as a patient, as a provider. Write for 10 minutes.

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Autumn YAWP

For the second year in a row, I’m attending Centrum’s Autumn YAWP (Your Alternative Writing Program). It’s quickly becoming a favorite retreat as it’s designed just for introverted writers like me. Late morning is an optional gathering for a communal free write, the rest of the day is for your own writing, revision, reading, and exploring.

The setting is serene and includes trails, beaches and modest comfortable accommodations at Fort Worden. Nearby Port Townsend provides plenty of cafes, restaurants and a wonderful bookstore and theater.

I have specific goals for the weekend, including developing a new syllabus for a Literature & Medicine program I’m leading for physicians, working on a book proposal for a new manuscript, and final edits on a poem I plan to submit soon. Grateful for the time and spaciousness of this place to read and write and rest.

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I have several deadlines looming this week, so my regular posts have gone by the wayside. In addition to a final rewrite of this essay for an upcoming anthology, I also had a big assignment due for my Hugo House Finish Your Book class this week, as well as putting the final touches on my AWP Writer to Writer application. Not to mention a new narrative medicine program I’m getting off the ground this fall, modeled after Dr. Suzanne Koven’s Literature & Medicine program at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.

I wrote about grace with the blogging schedule and the importance of fluidity here, but I also want to stay true to my regular writing practice. Sometimes though, deadlines take precedence. Come back Monday, with deadlines in check and blissfully on vacation, for a new Narrative Medicine post!

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Published: Back to Work

I’m moving into a different stage of motherhood. My youngest will be two years old in June and she’s well into toddlerhood: talking and walking and feeding herself. She’s even expressed some interest in potty training and dressing herself, likely the byproduct of having two active older siblings.

It’s therefore bittersweet to read old essays I wrote while in the throes of new babyhood, that foggy state of sleep deprived motherhood, body and emotions still recovering from the ravages of pregnancy. I’m thrilled to have one such piece published in this year’s issue of Mom Egg Review, focused on play and work in motherhood. My piece, “Back to Work,” is a snapshot in time, returning to work after my last maternity leave. Everything feels uncomfortable in that transition: leaving your children at home, putting on ill-fitting work clothes, pumping at work, waking at night to hold your restless babies.

You can find the Play & Work Issue of Mom Egg Review, full of literary poetry and prose, here. You can order this, or other insightful MER issues, online.

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Published: Timeline

I’ve tried to write a piece like Timeline several times. It’s simply a chronicle of my typical work day, but, in the past, I never was able to get it just right. It didn’t flow sufficiently, wasn’t a clear reflection of the exhaustion I feel at the end of the day. 

When I discovered Pulse’s “More Voices” column theme this month was “Stress and Burnout,” I felt compelled to finish this piece for submission. It was initially much longer, but I think the confines of the short word count (less than 400) was helpful in honing it to only the necessities. Previous versions of this essay were written in first person or third person. Second person, I’ve discovered, suits the purpose of the piece. My goal is to place the reader in the shoes of the primary care physician, feel the weight of her day, the exhaustion inherent in the constant churn of a general practitioner’s practice. I hope this piece provides a snapshot of a day-in-the-life of a family physician, and evokes a thoughtful reflection on the state of our health care system and the very real crisis of physician burnout. 

I’m grateful to Pulse for publishing Timeline and for their regular promotion of issues relevant to patients and medical providers through narrative medicine poetry and prose.

Writing prompt: When do you feel most stressed at work? When do you feel energized? Have you witnessed signs of burnout in your colleagues or your own medical provider? List your own timeline of a typical workday. How do you feel when you read it back? Write for 10 minutes. 

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