Narrative Medicine Monday: Heartbeats

In honor of World AIDS Day yesterday, today’s Narrative Medicine Monday will be a poem by Melvin Dixon, recently highlighted by In “Heartbeats,” Dixon sets a staccato cadence that reveals the evolution of a disease.

At the start of the poem, the narrator is the picture of good health: “Work out. Ten laps….Eat right. Rest well.” Then, he notes the “Hard nodes. Beware.” Dixon achieves an astonishing flow, given each sentence is just two syllables. The reader is forced to stop and consider the weight, the gravity of the situation that deepens, even as the lines remain short.

Dixon is able to convey the medicine with simple, ordinary words: “Reds thin. Whites low.” There is a turn in the poem with the narrator showing resolve: “Get mad. Fight back.” In this moment, he repeats previous lines found during times of health: “Call home. Rest well.”

The focus then shifts to the mechanics of the body, the breath: “Breathe in. Breathe out. / No air. No air.” Time becomes fluid, altered when one is sick, one is dying: “Six months? Three weeks?… Today? Tonight?” I find that I am holding my breath as I finish Dixon’s poem. I immediately look him up, knowing the likely outcome but hoping it will end differently just the same.

Writing Prompt: Try writing a poem about an illness or health challenge from diagnosis to treatment in short fragmented sentences, like Dixon’s “Heartbeats.” Consider diabetes or cancer, dialysis or pregnancy. How does the limitation of short sentences crystallize the situation? Alternatively, think of a moment you’ve shared, either personal or in a healthcare setting, with a patient with HIV or AIDS in the 1980s or 90s. Write this scene as it occurred during that time period, then reimagine the same scene in a modern setting. What changes, what remains the same? Write for 10 minutes.

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Narrative Medicine Monday: Titanium Seed

Poet Judith Skillman’s “Titanium Seed,” published recently in the Journal of the American Medical Association, describes the new “part of flesh inside” that is hers “to carry through / airports, not setting off / any alarms, they assure me, / not anything other than / a placeholder for cancer.”

She depicts the experience of getting a breast ultrasound, “the technician rubbing her wand / over and up hills of black / and white.” Skillman’s poem illustrates the anxiety associated with waiting for a diagnosis, the uncertainty of the pause that occurs after an aberrancy is found but before a definitive answer is revealed.

The seed represents an alteration of Skillman’s body, this reality of the possibility of cancer she harbors in her flesh unseen. She outlines how the patient is at the mercy of the medical diagnostician, describing how she lies “between two triangle pillows – / placed like an offering / to this Demi god who may / or may not find what appeared / on his screens.”

Writing Prompt: Think of a time you had a biopsy or lab test or imaging done and had to wait for the results. Sit in that space of uncertainty. Describe the experience. Did colors return, as they did for Skillman, when she receives a benign diagnosis? How did knowing contrast with the period of waiting? Try writing about this space of waiting from both the patient and medical provider’s viewpoint. Write for 10 minutes.

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Narrative Medicine Monday: Mom at Bedside, Appears Calm

I recently attended Harvard’s Writing, Publishing and Social Media for Healthcare Professionals conference and wrote about how networking and finding “my tribe” was a meaningful part of the conference. Case in point: a friend I met there recalled my interest in narrative medicine when she went to a talk by Dr. Suzanne Koven, the Writer in Residence at Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Koven is an internist and writer and has spearheaded the innovative Literature & Medicine program at MGH. My friend initiated a virtual introduction and Dr. Koven kindly agreed to speak with me about her successful program at MGH.

I’m inspired by her work in bringing narrative medicine to front-line medical providers. Today I’m featuring a New England Journal of Medicine piece she wrote from a very personal experience titled “Mom at Bedside, Appears Calm.”

Koven opens the essay with the things she carries “everywhere we go… two plastic syringes, each preloaded with 5 mg of liquid Valium….” She describes how they treat her son at “the first sign of blinking or twitching,” and that “[w]hen he relaxes, so do we.”

Koven is a physician, with all of the benefits and pitfalls that entails, navigating the tumultuous waters of a loved one suffering an illness that is particularly unpredictable and unnerving, especially when it affects a child. Her son continues to seize, still without an identifiable cause, taking “40 pills a day, crushed, on spoons of Breyers cookies-and-cream ice cream. Still he blinks and shakes, shakes and drops.”

With subsequent admissions to the hospital, Koven finds that she grows “more at ease” with the other parents of ill children and that she “clings to the nurses, Jen and Sarah and Kristen and ‘the other Jen,’ as we call her.” She glances at her son’s chart one night and it reads: “Mom at bedside. Appears calm.”

Though her son is eventually diagnosed and treated effectively, grows into adulthood and no longer suffers seizures, this period of unpredictable anxiety still haunts her: “occasionally my terror will snap to life again…. A siren sounds…. I still stop to see which way the ambulance is heading.”

Writing Prompt: Nowadays much of the medical record, including a physician’s progress note, is available right away to the patient via an online portal. Have you read a phrase or comment in your medical record that gave you pause, caused reflection? Did the comment align with how you felt in that moment, how you were perceived by the physician or nurse? If you’re a doctor, how would you answer the question Koven received: “Is it easier or hard to have a sick child when [you’re a] doctor?” Write for 10 minutes.

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