Narrative Medicine Monday: History Taking in the Anatomy Lab

Bethany Kette writes about “History Taking in the Anatomy Lab” in the latest issue of JAMA. Kette describes how in medicine we almost always start with the history of the patient, then move on to the physical exam. Kette notes though that “there is one time in our medical careers when we are instructed to perform the most thorough physical examination possible without learning so much as the patient’s name:” that of dissecting a cadaver in anatomy lab.

Now, fifteen years removed from that anatomy lab and ten years into my primary care medical practice, I can attest to the value of history-taking in a relationship developed over time: “It is a closeness and privilege that can provide purpose and meaning to routine acts of medical care.” Yet as medical students learning anatomy through the very intimate process of dissection, we receive very little information about our donors, only their age and cause of death.

In order to better understand the life of the woman who donated her body, Kette created the Obituary Writing Program at Georgetown. Kette developed the program with input from the Literature and Medicine Track director (how great that this is a track in a medical school!) and an obituary writer for the Washington Post. The result allows interested medical students to craft a real narrative about their donors, discover stories “that reveal a life.”

Kette interviews her donor’s son and learns that the woman was a “small-town farm girl” who graduated from Georgetown University School of Medicine: “She had literally stood in my footsteps in the same formaldehyde-scented labs in which I had spent the past year with her as my teacher.” The woman eventually retired from medicine to become a painter and was a “devout Catholic;” her faith informed her drive to help others. The medical students who participated in Kette’s program read the obituaries they had written during a ceremony at the end of the year, part of expressing gratitude to the donors themselves and to their loved ones for the gift of the donor’s bodies.

Kette’s program puts “history in its rightful place before the physical— students now interview the families of their donors before making the first cut in anatomy lab.” It also serves as a reminder to those of us well into medical practice that a person’s rich history, their life lived outside the hospital bed or exam room, is what we’re striving in medicine to help them return to, and what matters regarding their health, in the end.

Writing Prompt: If you are a physician, what do you recall about your initial interactions with your cadaver in anatomy lab? What did you know about the person’s history? What did you wonder or invent? Consider writing the obituary or life story of a well-known relative, friend or patient. How does outlining this narrative affect your relationship to this person? Write for 10 minutes.
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Narrative Medicine Monday: My Grandmother’s Body

Author Anna Leahy writes about “My Grandmother’s Body” in Sweet, an online literary journal. Leahy describes the funeral director, who arrives when called, wearing “his funeral-director suit.” The professional Leahy witnesses is experienced, noting “the stairs’ ninety-degree turn / without changing pace.” The director asks “if he might / lift her himself to carry her downstairs” and Leahy finds a kind of comfort in this. She thinks, “What a relief / to think of her last moment at home, cradled / in the man’s arms.”

Leahy’s poem is a snapshot of a moment and a man, revealing the funeral director’s practicality and reverence for his work and the relief this provides for those who love the deceased. We often reflect on the last moments right before a person dies, but Leahy’s poem, like Lisa Knopp’s “Leaving the Body,” focuses instead on those just after: the weighty finality, the people who interact with the body and the importance this holds for those still living.

Writing Prompt: Have you been near a dead body, either of a loved one or of a patient? What was the experience like? How was the body retrieved, and to where? How did you feel about how this was accomplished? Alternatively, think about your impressions of the funeral director as described by Leahy. Consider writing the scene from his point of view. Write for 10 minutes.

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Book: My Caesarean

Today’s the day! My Caesarean, published by Experiment Books, launches – just in time for Mother’s Day. I’m proud to be part of this anthology that Publishers Weekly calls “an enlightening reading experience for both those who’ve had C-sections and those who may.” In “Upside Down,” I wrote about having a planned primary C-section with my first baby, who was breech. Each story in this collection is unique, but the thread of shared experience reveals a true sisterhood. Happy Book Birthday to My Caesarean!

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Narrative Medicine Monday: Going Blind

German poet Rainer Maria Rilke writes of a nearly-blind woman at a party in “Going Blind.” The poem provides an observation of this woman, as if we were in the room with her. At first she looks “just like the others.” As someone who works in healthcare, usually it is obvious when a patient is sick. But more often than I think we acknowledge, we can’t always tell when a person is suffering or ill. There are many diseases or ailments that might not be readily apparent at first glance.

The narrator does soon note subtle differences in the woman: “she seemed to hold her cup / a little differently as she picked it up.” Rilke focuses on the woman, as the rest of the party moves away: “I saw her. She was moving far behind”. He notices her eyes, “radiant with joy, / light played as on the surface of a pool.”

There is a turn in the poem here, where the narrator moves from seeing her smile as “almost painful” to realizing that once “some obstacle” is “overcome, / she would be beyond all walking, and would fly.” It ends on this hopeful note, the idea that this woman will persevere, and in so doing, move beyond all others and the world’s norms.

Interestingly, here is another version of Rilke’s poem, translated by Margarete Munsterberg in 1912. Reading various English translations of poetry always makes me wonder at what might be missing when we don’t read a piece in the author’s native tongue. Did you get a different sense of the themes or of the woman from reading these translations?

Writing Prompt: Think of a time when one of your senses was limited. What did it feel like to be restricted in this way? Did you note other senses altering in response? Have you observed a patient or a loved one losing their hearing, their sight, their ability to taste food? What did you notice? Alternatively, consider writing from the perspective of the woman going blind. Imagine what she sees, what she feels. Write for 10 minutes.

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Narrative Medicine Monday: Introduction to Asthma

Poet Susan Eisenberg gives an “Introduction to Asthma” for the parent and practitioner. Her son suffers an acute asthma exacerbation, the “Cacophony rising in his lungs, / oxygen level falling”. Eisenberg lets us know that her young son “believes / he will die” but also exposes the reality that “Anyone who wants to kill me he says / would have to kill my Mom / first.” She will follow her son anywhere, even Heaven or Hell. The reader’s own breath catches on this truth, as Eisenberg hugs “his eyes in mine / and breathe for both our lives.”

Writing Prompt: Try reading Eisenberg’s poem out loud. What do you notice about her choice of words, line breaks and white space? Think of a time you or a child or friend or patient experienced an acute and sudden medical emergency, such as an asthma exacerbation. Describe what you hear, what you see. Write for 10 minutes.

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Narrative Medicine Monday: Perchance to Think

A couple of years ago I was driving to work when I pulled up behind a car that had a red bumper sticker with white block lettering: “THINKING IS WORK.” When I arrived at my desk that day I wrote this statement on a Post-it note in my barely legible handwriting and moved on with my busy primary care clinic day.

Since then, I’ve had little time to ponder this idea, but it’s always been there, in the back of my mind, the Post-it still pinned to my desk bulletin board. We live in an accelerated world, saturated with information at our disposal. Though I’ve noticed, in my life and in medicine, there is less and less time to access this information, to research, or just think.

Dr. Danielle Ofri’s latest piece in the New England Journal of Medicine highlights this issue. In “Perchance to Think” Ofri outlines a common problem among primary care (and I’m sure all speciality) practices – there isn’t time allotted to actually think about a case. Ofri gives the example of a patient with slightly abnormal lab tests ordered by another physician. As the primary provider, Ofri is then tasked with sorting out whether this patient has adrenal insufficiency or rheumatoid arthritis while also addressing his six known chronic conditions. Ofri notes that, for primary care physicians, “adrenal insufficiency resides in the wobbliest, farthest-flung cortical gurus I possess.” Ofri quickly realized, as her “patient stacked his 15 medications on my desk – all of which needed refills, and all of which could interfere with adrenal function” that what she really needed to give this patient the best care possible was “time to think.”

In medical school we have time to study, to think deeply as we learn the intricacies of the human body and how to treat illness when things go wrong.

Once out in practice, though, there isn’t the luxury of that time to ponder. More and more demands are put on the physician, be it “last week’s labs to review, student notes to correct, patient calls to return, meds to renew, forms and papers spilling out of my mailbox.” Ofri eventually gives up, gives in to the time constraints of the system, and refers the patient to endocrinology to sort out the adrenal insufficiency issue.

As a primary care physician myself, this is an all too familiar dilemma. Ofri recognizes that this situation is untenable to all involved: the patient, the primary care provider, and the specialist. “In the pressurized world of contemporary outpatient medicine, there is simply no time to think. With every patient, we race to cover the bare minimum, sprinting in subsistence-level intellectual mode because that’s all that’s sustainable.”

Ofri eventually takes the time to listen to a podcast on adrenal insufficiency, addend her note and contact the patient with a more cogent plan until he’s able to see endocrinology. But this was time that isn’t usually allotted or even available in a normal physician’s busy life: “many of our patients’ conditions require — time to think, consider, revisit, reanalyze.”

Ofri laments there’s no way to code for contemplation, but asserts that giving physicians the time to think could improve efficiency. “We would save money by reducing unnecessary tests and cop-out referrals. We’d make fewer diagnostic errors and avert harms from overtesting. And allowing doctors to practice medicine at the upper end of our professional standard would make a substantial dent in the demoralization of physicians today.”

Here’s to considering a more wholistic way of practicing medicine, one that includes the intellectual rigor that attracted most physicians to medicine in the first place. After all, thinking is work.

Writing Prompt: Do you think giving physicians time to think would make a difference in efficiency? Have you experienced a case similar to Ofri’s, where if you had a little more time to research, you could manage the case yourself? As a patient, do you notice the time pressures on your physician? Describe what it’s like to experience this as a patient, as a provider. Write for 10 minutes.

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AWP 2019 Recap

My first AWP conference was everything I thought it would be: overwhelming, inspiring, and engaging. At times I felt like hiding in a small dark room by myself, at others I was torn by all the panels and gatherings happening simultaneously, wishing I could somehow replicate myself so I could be in all places at once. I met and interacted with admired authors, poets, editors and other emerging writers. I left Portland exhausted and elated.

As an emerging writer who hasn’t had formal training, I didn’t have the same MFA reunion or tribe that other writer friends enjoyed, but I did benefit from a new cohort I now belong to: the AWP Writer to Writer Program. Diane Zinna runs this mentorship program, now in its tenth session, with contagious enthusiasm. I was able to meet Diane and my mentor in person at AWP, as well as other Writer to Writer alumni.

The panels I attended were varied and largely helpful. I learned about writing and teaching flash nonfiction, the perils and pitfalls of writing about real people, writing through trauma, managing parenthood and the writing life, and so much more. I was able to hear Cheryl Strayed and Colson Whitehead speak about the writing life and their craft and hear my own mentor Emily Maloney and writing friends Anne Liu Kellor and Natalie Singer share their work.

I applied for a Tin House intensive workshop on writing the very short essay with Melissa Febos, and and was thrilled to be accepted. An afternoon writing offsite with courageous and creative women was a highlight.

photo credit: India Downes-Le Guin

One of the biggest joys, and hurdles for me, of the week was sharing my own work at a paired reading. I read an essay that has not been shared publicly before and holds particular emotional weight. It was freeing to release this work out into the world and I’m grateful it was well received.

Writers are, by and large, a forgiving and authentic crowd. Though many, like me, are introverts, I was impressed that the feeling of holding space for each other infused the conference. I moved out of my own comfortable cocoon of anonymity by walking the book fair, approaching editors of presses and journals I admire, striking up a conversation with unsuspecting poet Jane Wong as I was walked by the Hedgebrook table (hopefully in a decidedly uncreepy way), and doing a public reading myself.

I tweeted some favorite quotes from the event, but wanted to share these pearls here as well:

“Be willing to dig through the layers of artifice to get to the deeper truth.” – Cheryl Strayed

“What is the purpose of art? To suggest potential realities or states of mind that would not otherwise suggest themselves.” -Richard Froude (a fellow physician!)

Jessica Wilbanks shares she learned “to trust my subconscious more than my intellect” during her writing process.

“Trust that isn’t absolute isn’t trust at all.” – Alison Kinney

“Living a trauma is living a trauma. Writing a trauma is a reconsideration, an attempt to capture yourself in the reconsideration.” – Alison Kinney

“The purpose of art is to lay bare the questions that have been hidden by the answers.” – James Baldwin

“I’ve learned that writing a book will not make you whole.” – Colson Whitehead

“It is a joy to be hidden and disaster not to be found.” – D.W. Winnicott

“Telling this story was worth more than my comfort.” – Melissa Febos

“Real people are more than the worst or best things they’ve done. Craft requires we honor a person’s complexity.” – Lacy M. Johnson

“Be rigorous ethically and in craft before you put your work out in the world. [When writing about real people] scrutinize your own intentions.” – Melissa Febos

So much of writing feels like a solitary pursuit, laced with overwhelming rejection. But, like I’ve experienced in medicine and motherhood and many other aspects of my life, finding a tribe, a cohort of passionate individuals to help support each other and share in community, is invaluable. Thanks, AWP 2019, for providing that space.

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Narrative Medicine Monday: Poof

This elegy by poet Amy Gerstler was selected by this month’s Poem-a-Day curator, Maggie Smith. I wrote about how Smith’s poem “Good Bones” hangs on a nondescript bulletin board in our clinic, though I never did figure out who posted it there. Each morning this month, I’ve been eager to see what poem Smith selects.

It’s no surprise that I think poetry provides much needed perspective to the world of medicine, and Gerstler’s “Poof” is no exception. Gerstler begins with a small bag of ashes on her lap, a gift from her late friend’s family. She recalls the service, the details of “staring at rows of docked boats” and the woman’s “impossibly handsome son.”

Gerstler speaks directly to her old friend, remembering that “You were the pretty one. / In middle school I lived on Diet Coke and / your sexual reconnaissance reports.” She imagines an alternative storyline where “your father never hits / you or calls you a whore.” Through Gerstler’s memories, both real and imagined, we get a glimpse of their bond, of the woman she, and this world, lost, even though we never learn her name, her vocation. (Why is it that these are the first things we ask? Always: What’s your name? What do you do?)

Gerstler gives us a remembrance that is more: a cinematic illumination of who this woman was: “You still / reveal the esoteric mysteries of tampons. You / still learn Farsi and French from boyfriends / as your life ignites.”

I like that Gerstler considers alternate storylines of their history together. Our formative years can be like this, wondering what different versions of us might transpire. I imagine (and, reaching middle age myself, have already succumbed to such reveries) our later years might also be prone to wondering what other tributaries of life paths might exist in the universe.

Ultimately, we learn that their lifelong relationship remains much as it is was in their adolescence: “I’m still lagging behind, barking up all / the wrong trees, whipping out my scimitar far / in advance of what the occasion demands.” Gerstler’s tender flashes of moments between the two is a tribute not only to her late friend, but also for all of us who are lucky enough to have kept company with cherished friends over the decades.

Writing Prompt: Think of a person (or patient, if you’re a medical provider) important to you who was suddenly gone. Write them an elegy in second person, or, alternatively, a letter. What are the memories, the moments, that stand out to you? Did this person vanish, as they did for Gerstler, with a “poof,” or would you use a different way of describing their absence from your life? Alternatively, consider writing an elegy or a letter to a long-time friend or patient who is still alive. Write for 10 minutes.

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Narrative Medicine Monday: The Fall of Icarus & Musee des Beaux Arts

I’m just finishing up a wonderful poetry course taught by Michelle Penaloza, and recently explored ekphrastic poetry. These are poems written in response to a piece of art. She had us read two different poems written about Brueghel’s “Landscape with the Fall of Icarus.”

I found the poem by W.H. Auden relates to medicine and illness in a way, a commentary on how suffering exists in the world while the rest of life goes on. Auden observes how well the “old Masters” understood suffering, “how it takes place / While someone else is eating or opening a window or just walking dully along.” For people who are struggling with illness, especially chronic illness, this normalcy and indifference of the rest of the world can seem almost as an affront. When dealing with a difficult diagnosis, it can be painful to see the world advance as it always has, even though it must. In Icarus’ case, Auden notes that “the expensive delicate ship that must have seen / Something amazing … / Had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on.”

Writing Prompt: Consider writing your own ekphrastic poem or free write in response to Breughel’s “The Fall of Icarus.” What do you notice about the painting and how might you expand on its meaning? If you’re a medical provider, have you seen others suffering but, for whatever reason, had to move “calmly on?” Do you think medical training or the medical system contributes to this type of response? If so, how? As a patient, have you experienced an illness or suffering while the rest of the world goes on, unaware? How did that make you feel? Write for 10 minutes.

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Narrative Medicine Monday: Burnout in Healthcare

I’ve wanted to attend Columbia’s Narrative Medicine workshops for years. Life finally aligned to make that possible this past weekend as I joined professionals from different disciplines gathered to address “Burnout in Health Care: The Need for Narrative.” As a wellness champion for my physician group, this year’s topic was particularly pertinent to my work and practice.

The conference consisted of lectures from leaders in the field of narrative medicine alternating with small group breakout sessions. I was fortunate enough to have Dr. Rita Charon, who inaugurated the field of narrative medicine, facilitate two of my group’s sessions, which consisted of close reading and reflective writing and sharing. This format allows for in depth discussion with medical and humanities professionals, as well as time for introspection about how best to expand on learned concepts and practices when we return home.

Several takeaways for me:

Narrative can be used to address many issues in healthcare, burnout among them. I’ve been facilitating a Literature & Medicine program for my own physician group, and have taught narrative medicine small group sessions to resident physicians, but am inspired to do more of this work to expand the reach to medical professionals and patients. Dr. Charon encouraged us to disseminate the skills deepened through the humanities, that these are what’s missing from a health care system that has become depersonalized. Skills learned through narrative medicine can improve team cohesion, address moral injury and bias.

Writer Nellie Herman offered Viktor Frankel’s words: the primary force of an individual is to find meaning in life. Herman showed us how writing can help us find that meaning, giving shape to our experiences, our memories. Harnessing creativity can be particularly important for those of us who experience moral injury because “when we write, we externalize what is inside us.” Through writing and sharing, we’re making a commitment to something, a raw, less mediated version of events. Through this vulnerability we connect to others; though difficult, that’s what makes it valuable.

Dr. Kelley Skeff approaches burnout and narrative from a physician educator’s perspective. It is not lost on anyone who has been a medical resident or trained them that “we have trained people to take care of patients, even if it kills them. We have trained people to keep quiet.” Skeff offers us this quote from Richard Gunderman: “Professional burnout is the sum total of hundreds and thousands of tiny betrayals of purpose, each one so minute that it hardly attracts notice.” He implores us to combat the code of silence and ask ourselves and each other: What’s distressing you?

Maura Spiegel contends that “narrative language can proliferate meaning.” Spiegel used film clips to show how we can gain access to our own experience. In watching a film, we’re not called upon to respond, but we are often running our own parallel stories along with the movie. Spiegel showed clips from the movies “Moonlight,” “Ikiru,” and “Philadelphia,” and the documentary “The Waiting Room.” In that final clip we saw a young doctor run a code in the Emergency Room where a teenage boy dies. He then is tasked with telling the family the devastating news. He seeks out support from his colleagues on how to do this. Spiegel notes a quote from Jonathan Shay: “Recovery happens only in community.”

I was bolstered to hear about he the work of Craig Irvine and Dr. Deepu Gowda, who discussed how to create a culture for narrative work, both in academic institutions and in clinics. Dr. Gowda explored using narrative medicine sessions with the entire medical team (including nursing staff, administrators, physicians) and found improved teamwork, collaboration, and communication. Both suggested building a team of people interested in narrative work, be they art historians, philosophers, writers, physicians, or psychologists.

More than anything, this workshop churned up ideas and inspired methods that could be used at my own workplace to use narrative work to address burnout. I came away encouraged and connected to colleagues who are interested in the same questions and in addressing the daunting problem we face in our current health care system. Ultimately, we want to “allow voices to be heard, and address suffering, not only of patients but also of medical providers.” This work is challenging, but necessary. As Tavis Apramian noted in the final lecture of the conference, “the meaning that we draw from other people is the reason to keep going.” That it is. I hope to continue learning about this important work and am grateful for the faculty at Columbia who inspire tributaries (or rhizomes!) of narrative and creativity throughout the medical world.

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